Shanaya Kapoor has stirred with her fashion sense, beauty and makeup look even before her debut. The diva is supposed to make her debut in Bollywood with Bedhadak. But even before her debut, she gained a fan following for her impeccable fashion and wardrobe choices. Shanaya picked a strapless mini dress in an electrifying royal blue colour with sequins all over from the clothing brand Pinko for Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani's wedding reception. The gorgeous strapless mini dress had a plunging sweetheart neckline, a corseted bust, and a glamorous balloon-like fall. Tying her braids in a bun, Shanaya's dewy makeup included a dash of kohl, rosy cheek tint and pink lip colour. Shanaya's accessories included a pair of stud earrings and blue platform heels to match her outfit.
Also Read: Shanaya Kapoor's Slinky Maxi Dress Is Minimal Only In Essence, Not Effect
Shanaya Kapoor looked breath-taking in a cutout Maison Valentino number which featured cutout details around the torso with embroidered embellishments. Adding glam to the look was the stunning boat neckline. Shanaya's glam makeup included a classic winged eyeliner with soft pink lip shade and bronzed cheeks, while her accessories included a pair of dangling earrings.
Also Read: Shanaya Kapoor Spends Hot Cocoa Weather Dressed Up Stylishly Like One
Shanaya Kapoor's sleek red midi number in crepe came with a structured fit and smooth finish. It featured an off-shoulder neckline, which came with sparkly sequins. Shanaya picked a small pair of silver hoop earrings as the only accessory and carried a silver clutch with the outfit. She pulled back her tresses in a sleek low-rise ponytail and wore glam makeup to complete her monochromatic look.
Which is your favourite monochromatic look of Shanaya Kapoor's?
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