Shanaya Kapoor hasn't yet made her Bollywood debut but has made her fashion presence felt. The soon-to-be debutant has managed to create a fanbase of her own with her stunning wardrobe choices. The diva who welcomed the New Year in Paris but never stopped giving us winter dressing inspiration from her holiday. Shanaya picked fleece-lined brown leather jacket and paired it with a brown leather mini dress under it. Her choice of tan boots and the Bottega Veneta Mini Jodie in hand were the perfect accessories. Shanaya opted for minimal dewy makeup with subtly kohled eyes and pink lip tint and let Paris work its charm on her.
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Shanaya Kapoor's Parisian holiday was a fashionable affair in every way. The young fashionista wore a stunning brown trench coat while treating herself to fresh flowers and hot cocoa in the city. The winter was kept at bay with her beanie on top.
While spending her day in Paris, Shanaya Kapoor opted for a monochromatic look with a deep brown full-sleeved jacket with fur on the collars and the wrists. She teamed it with latex pants in the same colour tone for the day. Shanaya wore a black hat and a pair of black boots while she turned tourist in the city of love.
Shanaya Kapoor is a true fashionista and especially when she is out on her major travels.
Also Read: "As You Can Tell I Love This Dress", Says Shanaya Kapoor And To No Surprise, So Do We