Current Bollywood heartthrob Sharvari Wagh has been receiving immense praise for her debut movie Bunty Aur Babli 2. Recently at an award function, she was honoured with the best debutant award, and Sharvari looked like a dream on the red carpet in a short lace dress in white. She aptly compared her look to that of fairytale character Tinker Bell, and we say she did so with a chic spin. The actor wore silver studded jewellery to complement the gorgeous lace dress with a fairy like veil attached to it. The neat updo and kohl eyes perfectly complemented her attire.
We have also seen Tara Sutaria and Alaya F wearing lace bodycon dresses in shades of white and ivory respectively from the label Surya Sarkar. An all-white ensemble is always a head-turner and these beauties set the perfect examples.
Also Read: Sharvari Wagh Midriff Flosses Her Way Into Our Hearts In Her Emerald Green Lace Mermaid Dress
In an earlier photoshoot, Sharvari Wagh chose formal gray trousers with a crop top in the similar shade and went all-gray. The actor seems to love the monochromes as we can see from her clothing choices. Pantsuits and formals are trending as celebrities choose the 'work look' for their events. Ananya Pandey in a neutral shade of brown is a sight on its own. Carefully pairing the trousers with a crop top and a long jacket, Ananya's look is making a statement. Tara Sutaria too was seen wearing a pantsuit in checkered pattern in shade of ochre with a white crop top. The outfit looked a balance of comfort and style.
Also Read: Sharvari Wagh Shows Us How To Work Print On Prints Like A Dream In Her Co-ord Set
Sharvari Wagh is a stunner, no doubt about it. And there is also no denying the fact of her love for choosing neutral colours, may thatformals, short dresses or even beach-wear. She chose a dual tone cover-up in shades or coral and mustard with a yellow bikini set for her recent photoshoot. The gorgeous warm colours with the sunset hues in the background is a stunning picture to look at.
Also Read: Even Sunsets Don't Look As Good As Sharvari Wagh's Dual-Toned Cutout Dress