Ganesh Chaturthi 2022 was a grand event in Bollywood. B-town celebrities welcomed Bappa with a lot of love, excitement and pomp. The festive season also gave an opportunity to the actors to dress up traditionally and they surely made the most of it. Sharvari Wagh wore a chic saree in a warm colour palette and looked absolutely gorgeous. The pink and orange saree had white leheriya print and was teamed with a short-sleeved pink blouse which featured a high neckline. For accessories, she opted for a studded choker necklace. Leaving her mane loose in beachy waves, Sharvari's minimal glam makeup was perfect for the event.
Also Read: Sharvari Wagh's Classic Black Gown Gets A Beautiful Floral Touch
Sharvari Wagh's ethnic saree collection has got us bowled over in the past too. The actor was seen adorning a stunning neutral coloured drape from ace designer Manish Malhotra's label. The saree featured sequin detailing which added glitz and glamour to the outfit. Sharvari teamed up the saree with a strappy blouse which had tiny embellishments hanging at its hemline. The blouse definitely added a modern twist to the stunning drape. Her minimal jewellery, open tresses and glam makeup complemented the drape spotlessly.
Few days ago, we saw Sharvari Wagh in a simple yet stylish saree in black and couldn't get over the look. Sharvari was seen wearing a black cotton saree with a contrasting golden border. She teamed it with a matching black blouse which featured puff sleeves and a plunging neckline with a knot detailing. Sharvari's sleek straight hair, ample mascara, kohl-laden eyes and the traditional bindi teamed perfectly with her all-black attire. For accessories, she kept it to the minimum by opting for traditional earrings.
Sharvari is here to win hearts and there is no denying that.
Also Read: Sharvari Wagh's Spectacular Silver Set Could Dim The Light Of Every Glittering Disco Ball
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