Ganesh festival 2022 was a big celebration in Mumbai especially after the pandemic gap of two years. It was a star-studded occasion with a number of Bollywood celebrities slaying their ethnic outfits. Shilpa Shetty who brings home Bappa every year, wore a pastel yellow floral sharara set from the label Gopi Vaid designs. Even after a leg injury, she is ready to break into dance whenever Ganpati comes home. It's not just her, but the family of four wore matching printed outfits too. The actor wore a gorgeous full-sleeved kurta in pastel yellow with tangerine floral prints, which featured ruffle detailing at the wrists and tie-knot detailing at the neckline with the sharara bottoms which had similar colours and patterns. She carried a yellow chiffon dupatta with the outfit. Tying her silky mane in a sleek ponytail, Shilpa accessorised the look with a studded necklace and traditional nath. She kept her makeup minimal with glossy lip tint and kohl-laden eyes.
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty Turned The Glam Switch On In An Embellished Cutout Gown
Shilpa Shetty's wardrobe choices have always been fun and fabulous. And we are just not saying it. We have the proof. For the 1st day of Ganpati celebrations, Shilpa wore a multicoloured pre-draped saree and looked stunning in the gorgeous drape from designer label Punit Balana. The pre-draped leheriya saree featured shades of pink, green, grey, purple with an olive green pallu. Shilpa teamed the saree with an embroidered blouse and a waist belt which added drama to the look. She wore a choker necklace and traditional nose ring with the outfit and opted for minimal glam makeup.
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Shilpa Shetty recently graced our Instagram as she shared a few pictures from her photoshoot in a red hued saree from the designer label Nikita Wadhwa Mhaisalkar. The saree had floral embellishments at the borders in shades of pink, green and gold and the actor added an oomph factor to the drape by carrying a multicoloured printed jacket with the saree. Shilpa wore dangling earrings and rings as the only accessories. Tying her tresses in a messy ponytail, the actor opted for nude makeup and glossy lip tint.
Doesn't Shilpa look cheerful with all her ethnic choices?
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