The moment celebrity fans have been waiting for has finally arrived. After months of swirling rumours of their impending nuptials and then, weeks of pre-wedding functions, Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya are now married. The wedding took place earlier this evening at the Akkineni family's Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. While we await the official announcement from the newlyweds with glee, pictures from inside the venue have surfaced on the internet already. While the venue has been decorated in traditional style with marigold garlands and banana leaf fronds, it was the glowing bride that we couldn't take our eyes off of.
(Also Read: 7 Facts About Hyderabad's Annapurna Studios, Which Is Naga Chaitanya And Sobhita Dhulipala's Wedding Venue)
Photos of Sobhita Dhulipala from inside her wedding venue give a glimpse into her bridal makeup avatar. Along with what seems to be a gold saree, the actress showcased a neutral makeup look that balanced her gleaming wedding outfit perfectly. Centred around earthy tones of brown and bronze, we can see her subtle gold eyeshadow paired with brushed-back brows and full lashes as she looked downward. While her skin was radiant even with a matte finish (must be that bridal glow shining through), Sobhita's face was contoured with bronzer on her cheeks and a matte brown lip to bring it all together. With her hair slickly pulled back into an updo and paired with traditional gold jewellery through her hair, mehendi was visible on her hands and a bindi on her forehead.
It looks like Sobhita Dhulipala is set to leave her mark as an elegant traditional bride with her glorious ethnic bridal makeup look.
(Also Read: Marigold Garlands And Banana Leaf Fronds Festively Decorate Sobhita Dhulipala-Naga Chaitanya's Wedding Venue)