While we try to escape the weekday blues, Soha Ali Khan beats the feeling with her intense fitness session. The actress channelled workout energy in her latest video. She served some much-needed start-of-the-week motivation as she indulged in an intense arm workout She shared glimpses of her gym session on her Instagram handle. Dressed in a blue bralette and matching bottoms, Soha started off with a workout that targeted the upper body. Holding two straps of a resistance band, she stretched her arms repeatedly. This particular workout caters to muscle building and strengthening, improves mobility and helps in the rapid loss of arm fat.
Also Read: Soha Ali Khan's Leg Day At The Gym Is Our Motivation To Kickstart The Weekend
Reminding us, in an ever so subtle way, to concentrate on exercises, the actress shared a video on Instagram. In the clip, she was seen performing a set of pole squats, known to strengthen the glutes, under the guidance of her coach Mahesh. Next, she picked up dumbbells and jumped with those heavy weights. Dumbbell squats came next in order, followed by strenuous leg stretches.
Soha Ali Khan does not skip workouts even when at home. Earlier, the actress put up a brilliant display of one-hand headstands supporting her body on a yoga mat. With dumbbells as her companion, she carried out squats and crunches like a superwoman.
Also Read: This Monday Fitness Motivation Is Courtesy Soha Ali Khan And Her Powerful Leg Exercises
Soha Ali Khan is a workout maverick we love to follow.