Sonakshi Sinha was recently seen becoming quite the homemaker on her social media platform. The Heeramandi actress who recently wowed the audiences at the India Couture Week 2024 as she turned showstopper and owned the ramp for designer Dolly J has now gone back to her happy marital home and is setting it up one décor piece at a time. The 37-year-old actress recently posted stories of her arranging the décor at her new home that made the internet's go 'awwww'.
Also Read: Sonakshi Sinha And Zaheer Iqbal Embrace Healthy Living Together On Their Honeymoon In Philippines
A couple of hours ago, Sonakshi had shared a video and picture on her Instagram stories that showed her putting together decoration items in what looks like her new bedroom and a visual of a wall decorated with her and Zaheer Iqbal's wedding photos.
The video shared on her Instagram story showed Sonakshi perched on her bed and working on fixing a wall paper piece of botanical art that was decorated on the wall on which her bed rests. Dressed in an all-black sweat pants set, Sonakshi was seen lovingly decorating her new room. Zaheer Iqbal shot this video on his phone and shared it on his Instagram story caption, "Making it a home" and tagged Sonakshi in it. While the latter reshared it on her Instagram story accompanied by the caption, "You are my home na" and a red heart emoji to go. This only goes to show the love that is blossoming amidst the newlyweds.
Following this Sonakshi Sinha shared another picture on her Instgram stories with a a bunch of framed pictures of the couple from the big wedding day all perched on a wall in their new home. The pictures showed priceless behind the scenes moments shared by the couple on their big day. The actress tagged her husband Zaheer Iqbal on the story and captioned it, "I've been busy". This also made for a mushy moment shared by the couple that we cannot get over.
Didn't the visual of Sonakshi Sinha setting up her new home with her husband Zaheer Iqbal make our hearts full? We say, it sure did.
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