The yellow colour palette has made its comeback in the gloomy, monsoon weather after being a major hit in the summer and spring seasons. Currently the mellow yellow is a rage in Bollywood as the actors are seen sporting some uber cool outfits in different shades of the colour. Pastels to brights, ochre to mustard, all yellows are receiving similar appreciation. We have seen Kriti Sanon, Rakul Preet Singh, Shama Sikander to name a few of the Bollywood divas who wore some stunning pieces in yellow and won our hearts with their gorgeousness. But what caught our attention lately are Sonal Chauhan and Nora Fatehi who wore the same ruched corseted midi dress from the shelves of House Of CB and we cannot decide who wore it better.
Also Read: Sonal Chauhan Is A Dreamy Diva In A Beautiful Blue One Shoulder Dress
Sonal Chauhan has a keen eye for fashion and that can be seen through her sartorial choices. May it be the red carpet looks or street style fashion, Sonal adds a personal touch to every outfit and we love that about her. Seen like a ray of sunshine herself, Sonal made quite a statement in a yellow midi dress from the clothing brand House of CB. The one-shouldered midi dress featured a corset bust line with a wrap detailing on the other shoulder and a body-con fit. The outfit showcased a plunging neckline and ruched details at the waist and downwards. Accessorising the look with stud earrings and a delicate bracelet, the actor kept it simple and stylish. For makeup, she opted for dewy makeup with neatly done eyes and glossy lips.
Also Read: Nora Fatehi Sits Right On Top Of The Fashion Meter In An Embellished Co-Ord Set
Nora Fatehi wore it too on her trip to Dubai and stunned her fans. Nora looked phenomenal in the corseted midi dress in bright yellow which had one shoulder detailing, a plunging neckline and ruched details. The bodycon outfit accentuated Nora's well-toned body. What added the oomph factor to the outfit was the pair of metallic heels the actor wore and the shiny gold mini bag she carried with the outfit. Leaving her mane loose, Nora opted for soft glam makeup with nude lip colour.
Nora Fatehi has a fascination for bright neons and we got proof here. Her love for yellow is seen yet another time when the actor wore a bodycon midi dress when she was in Toronto. The style quotient of the outfit was the neon orange Hermes Birkin handbag which the actor carried with it. Nora's multicoloured Louboutin heels added a dramatic edge to the monochromatic outfit.
Can you decide who wore the ruched midi dress better, Sonal or Nora?
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