Sonam Bajwa's bold fashion statements are not new to us. Carrying risque outfits effortlessly and making the simplest of outfits look over-the-top is always seen in Sonam's outfits. In her recent Instagram post, the actress made a stellar style statement in a strappy corset top and baggy pair of denims. Sonam picked a body-hugging corset top in a pastel brown colour which featured a plunging neckline and accentuated her well-toned body perfectly. She teamed it with a pair of flared denim pants in faded blue. She accessorised the look with a stack of chunky bracelets. Leaving her mane loose, Sonam's dewy look included a dash of kohl in the eyes, a rosy cheek tint, and a nude lip colour.
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Not very long ago, Sonam Bajwa made yet another daring fashion statement in a strappy corset and denims. Sonam picked a black corset top with strappy sleeves, a ribbed bustline, and a bodycon silhouette. She wore a pair of faded denims with the look but added a dramatic twist to it by keeping it unzipped. For makeup, Sonam opted for dewy makeup, glossy pink lip colour, and mascara-laden curled eyelashes. A pair of gold chunky earrings were the only accessories Sonam picked with her look.
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Another time she made a daring fashion move was when Sonam picked a hot red lace top and wore it with a satin midi skirt in pastel colour. The strapless corset top had a ribbed bustline with sheer panels and lace details as the actress teamed it with an off-white midi skirt which featured ruffled details at the asymmetrical hemline. Loose tresses and minimal makeup complemented Sonam's bold style.
Sonam Bajwa's effortless bold dressing is eye-grabbing and often sets the internet ablaze.
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