Sonam Kapoor's timeless style has never failed to serve a stunning look. She has literally made every silhouette look good. Recently turned mom, Sonam Kapoor is again back to the red carpet with her stellar looks. Making us drool with her incredible style is actress Sonam Kapoor in a beautiful dramatic yellow outfit for the Red Sea Film Festival. She adorned a structured, dramatic yellow gown from Sara Mrad which looked incredibly gorgeous. The beautiful marigold gown had an off-shoulder style with a dramatic neckline which accentuated the overall style in no time. We love how the actress let her gown be the standout piece and opted to balance the look with a sleek bun, drop earrings and a complementing glam makeup to match with the attire.
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor's Taller Marmo Tasseled Dress Makes A Fashionable Comeback
Owing the red carpet glam like a diva is actress Sonam Kapoor in another dramatic red outfit. She adorned a gorgeous, flattering strapless shimmery gown which she paired with a dramatic layer that went well with the look. With her choice for elegant diamonds, her look was absolutely on point.
Also Read: In Her Winter Best, Sonam Kapoor Makes The Airport Her Personal Runway
Swooning us with another stellar look, Sonam Kapoor looked incredibly gorgeous in a pastel blue tassel dress. She opted for a kaftan dress by international designer Taller Marmo. The number came with a turtleneck detailing and a free-flowing silhouette. The beautiful kaftan was surrounded by fringes at the borders, and she opted for white strappy heels to complete the look.
Sonam Kapoor's style has our heart and for all the right reasons. The actress was seen adorning another stunning ivory fringe dress from Taller Marmo which was totally bookmark worthy.