Ananya Panday, Suhana Khan and Navya Naveli Nanda recently got together. While their camaraderie was a house on fire, their outfits were too. The long standing BFFs made sure they had a fun night out letting their hair down, but they did it in style. Ananya Panday shared a photo dump of candid pictures from the revelrous escapades the actresses and entrepreneur had during the party; and captioned the post "Spice Girls" with a red chilli emoji, which was in sync with both her tank top and the girls' vibes alike.
Also Read: Suhana Khan And Her Gang Of Girls Believe In Chic Mini Dress Supremacy
Ananya Panday donned a super micro-mini skirt embroidered with silver sequins along with a white tank top with straps that featured the statement red chilli sequin embroidery on her chest. The CTRL actress's glittery sartorial outing was complete with a pair of mini gold and diamond-encrusted hoops, studs, a stack of Cartier Love and Just Un Clou bracelets, and a cocktail ring.
Suhana Khan looked like a dream wearing an oh-so-feminine sleeveless white white lace dress which had a tank top-like upper bodice that was fitted on the waist with a striped elasticated band that cinched her figure. It then flowed into a triple tiered skirt that boasted of a white lace hemline accentuated with the dress's overall vertical silver stripes. The Archies actress kept her accessories minimal with nothing but a dainty diamond-encrusted ring pendant adorning her neck.
Navya Naveli Nanda was girl's night ready just like her friends in a strapless brown bodycon dress made out of a polyester fabric that sculpted her curves like never before. To this, she added sparkle with a gold coin charm necklace and a gold band bracelet.
Ananya Panday, Suhana Khan and Navya Naveli Nanda were the perfect fashionably forward "spice girls" trio.
Also Read: Bollywood Besties Ananya, Suhana, Navya And Shanaya Get Their Glam On
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