While other Bollywood celebrities are busy sharpening their fashion skills, Suhana Khan went one step ahead and did it with her makeup prowess. Daughter of Shahrukh Khan and Gauri Khan, the star kid has proved time and again that she has got what she needs to ace the face. Once again, Suhana showcased her artistry with her latest selfie on Instagram. With her hair parted down the centre and worn in a sleek low bun hairstyle at the back, she went with kajal-lined eyes, fluttery lashes, a touch of colour on the cheeks and deep mauve lipstick. Gold hoops and a chain necklace accessorized her beige sweater and we even caught a glimpse of her Dumbo The Elephant themed Goyard phone cover. We could totally see ourselves trying out Suhana Khan's makeup look on a day we needed to look pulled together.
Somehow Suhana manages to look incredible even when she's in the middle of making pasta. Her beige crop top and pencil skirt co-ord set were paired with defined brows, light pink lipstick and balayage shaded locks worn poker straight.
(Also Read: Nail Every Look Like Suhana Khan Does With Nails On Fleek)
Another of her makeup selfies put a different feature of hers on display i.e. her manicure. Along with long blonde hair and glossy lipstick, Suhana's nails were shiny and brown with an accented ring finger with a blue patterned design.
She posed while drinking her cuppa with her long brown hair settling around her turtleneck and her red nails holding her mug tightly. That confirms it: the girl definitely loves a pretty manicure.
(Also Read: Suhana Khan's Glowing Skin And Glossy Lips Will Soon Be Your Everyday Beauty Look)
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