2019 was a different time. The world had no idea what COVID-19 was and Karan Johar thought that Student Of The Year deserved a sequel. The movie marked the debut of Ananya Panday and Tara Sutaria's Hindi film careers, both of whom continue to work as actors today. In a post celebrating the moment on Instagram, Tara shared a photo of the start of her journey with a throwback photo from the set of her debut movie. Playing the role of Mia, Tara is seen in the picture looking almost the same and sporting a trendy look even back then. The actress wore a blue chevron printed long sleeve crop top and high waist bodycon skirt with a pair of white platform heels; all of which were the rage during that time. In the caption, she detailed her journey and amongst plenty else, she said "What a ride it's been".
(Also Read: Tara Sutaria Sparkles Brighter Than The Stars In An Embellished Silver Faabiiana Saree And Halter Blouse)
Summer and pastels go hand in hand. Proving the statement right is Tara in a strapless pastel pink number. The outfit, showcasing a corset-like detailing, flowy silhouette, a short slit on the side, and pleated details, is from the British luxury clothing brand House of CB. A sparkly pair of Jimmy Choo heels brought more pizzazz to her chic look. Choker-style diamond necklace, bracelet and rings for accessories suited her style.
In a deep blue pantsuit, Tara Sutaria changed our definition of boardroom fashion for women. Underneath, she added a crisp white shirt and a tie to finish off. Her tresses were tied neatly in a bun. Black hat and heels completed the look.
Tara Sutaria is the ultimate queen of pulling off dramatic fits. Previously, the actress reminded us of The Little Mermaid when she sat on a giant seashell in her gorgeous co-ord set from fashion label Renasci. She picked a honeycomb-cut strapless blouse and styled it with a white satin mermaid skirt. Her sea-shell accessories further added to the drama of her ensemble.
When Tara weaved femininity with florals, the result left us stunned. She slipped into a strapless co-ord set which spelled elegance. It showcased subtle floral motifs against a pastel base. The ensemble had a strapless corset top and a matching skirt with a thigh-high slit. Minimal matte glam and pearl earrings worked wonders.
Here's to more fashionable years ahead for Tara Sutaria.
(Also Read: Inside Tara Sutaria's "Cozy Evenings" In London With "Live Jazz"; 5 Jazz Clubs To Visit When In London)