Jaya Bachchan has made it to the headlines again. This time, the stalwart actress has grabbed attention for her sartorial sensibilities with Shweta Bachchan by her side. The mother-daughter pair featured in a social media post by designers Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla. This post was accompanied by the caption, "Abu Sandeep's journey with Mrs Jaya Bachchan goes back to the very beginning of their career. Jayaji has always been an avid supporter of their work and vision and it was during her daughter Shweta's wedding that white Chikankari became a desirable symbol of bridal elegance. Throughout the years, Jayaji has chosen Chikankari by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla for her special occasions and she has also been prominently featured in their book, India Fantastique. In the image above, she wears a hand-embroidered Chikankari coat finished with an abundance of sequins @abujani1 @shwetabachchan". While it is common knowledge that the Bachchans have been enthusiasts of Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla's handcrafted textile backed couture pieces. The designer duo said it was during Shweta's wedding festivities that chikankari took centrestage, courtesy her mother's patronage of it.
Also Read: On Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan's 50th Anniversary, A Look At Their Timeless Style
In the throwback picture, the mum and daughter pair was seen wearing two exquisite pieces of chikankari sarees from the shelves of designers Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla.
Shweta was seen wearing a georgette saree with chikankari embroidery that was further amped up with gota-patti embellishment and tassle-laden pearl borders. This regal ensemble was teamed with the famous Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla jewellery laden blouses with this one being encrusted with white pearls and precious stone. The plunging neck blouse showed off Shweta's beautiful neckline. She rounded off her look with a pair of rubies and diamond-encrusted statement earrings, a diamond bracelet and her wedding ring. Shweta styled her hair in a voluminous blow-out and went for a nude-bronze complexion, smokey eye makeup and a nude lip colour.
Jaya Bachchan looked like a symbol of royalty in an ivory chikankari saree with jaal embroidery and an intricate zardozi border in hues of bottle green, maroon and gold. She teamed it with a U-neck and half-sleeve blouse that featured a line khadi miniature paintings and coloured beadwork which added a further design element to the outfit. Jaya was wearing gold and pearl kundan jhumkas, a wrist watch and maroon coloured bangles on both her wrists to tie the look together. Jaya went for easy open waves in her hair along with a kohl-defined eyes, a bronze- laden face, and a mauve-nude lip.
Jaya Bachchan and Shweta Bachchan make for a fashionable and formidable mother-daughter duo dressed in chikankari sarees.
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