If there's anyone who is already set to takeover summer fashion trends, it has got to be Vaani Kapoor. Even before spring is in session, the Bollywood actress has got some severely fabulous summer style on display. In her latest Instagram post, Vaani sizzles in a pastel yellow maxi dress with cutouts and strap details around the midriff which showcased her toned abs. It also featured a thigh high slit and strapless neckline, which she paired with sculpted curls in her hair and bronzed skin. If you find the mercury rising more quickly than usual these days, blame Vaani Kapoor for it.
To celebrate Women's Day 2021, Vaani posted photos of herself wearing a bright pink dress with floral prints adorning it. It also included a plunging neckline and slit along the length of the leg, which paired beautifully and breezily with her wavy hair flying about.
(Also Read: Vaani Kapoor, In A Pretty Pink Gown, Reminds Us That Spring Is Not Too Far Away)
What says summer better than an afternoon swinging on the hammock! This one saw Vaani enjoying the sunshine and blue skies while wearing a tie-dye tank top with flared denims, white sneakers and dark sunglasses. No plan better for a sunny day than this one!
There was also the time she upped the style quotient for spring and had us nodding in agreement. Vaani wore a pastel pink strapless gown which had white embroidery and sheer overlay. She paired it with glossy lips and loose curls running through her hair.
(Also Read: Vaani Kapoor Is A Summer Dream In This Floral Dress)