Some years after Parineeta and stardom, actress Vidya Balan found her fashion groove. It began with designer Sabyasachi, who dressed her exclusively for a while, turning her into a style icon. Now 33, Vidya is known as much for her performances in films like The Dirty Picture and Kahaani as the saree-clad appearances she makes - she even wore them to the Cannes Film Festival a couple of years ago when serving on the jury. Cannes was possibly the last time she wore head-to-toe Sabyasachi and gossip suggests Vidya and the designer have fallen out since.
Nonetheless, having found her saree mojo, Vidya Balan hasn't lost it. It's rare to see her in anything but the whole six yards and we aren't complaining.
A quick glance through Vidya's Instagram posts reveals a gold mine of sartorial inspiration for saree lovers. And even if you've never worn a saree, you'll want to when you see how utterly stunning she looks in her drapes. The best thing about Vidya Balan's saree style is how accessible it is - she wears cottons as much as she does a designer silk and accessorizes simply but with elegance. Stealing a celebrity's style has never looked easier.
It's hard to pick just 10 saree posts from Vidya Balan's Instagram - she rarely ever gets it wrong - but we tried. Here are our favourite looks from her wardrobe. When contrasting her blouse and saree, Vidya keeps it simple - like here, a plain black blouse with ared and white shibori drape from The Pot Plant which she wore to promote her new film Tumhari Sulu.
The black blouse was also trotted out for this kalamkari saree by Second Skin, letting the intricate design take centre stage.
Vidya often picks designer Gaurang Shah's exquisite silks, like this stunning ensemble, accessorised with a gajra.
Here's how to nail the indigo trend, Vidya-style. She wore this Punit Balana number to the Singapore International Indian Expo.
A ray of sunshine in a yellow Anuradha Kuli saree and matching blouse. Vidya Balan wore this to the launch of Shobhaa De's book.
How to do colour-blocking without looking like a Rubik's Cube - Vidya Balan promoted Begum Jaan in an Udd saree in grey and red. Note the ubiquitous black blouse.
This stunning grey and pink ensemble by Anavila is what results when Vidya decides to ditch the black blouse. The silver clutch is by Amrapali, as is her jewellery.
Yes, you can also casually stroll about town wearing a simple linen (or is it khadi?) saree, hair up, shades on and a roomy bag swinging from one arm.
It's hard to resist the distinctive charm of Raw Mango. Here's Vidya Balan promoting Begum Jaan in monochrome silk.
Vidya Balan in her festive best - a traditional red and orange silk by Shruti Sancheti paired with a parrot green blouse.
Did you find inspiration for your next saree look? Tell us which of Vidya Balan's outfits you like best.
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