Global icon, Priyanka Chopra has been making headlines for all the right reasons. When it comes to red-carpet dressing, count on Priyanka Chopra to serve some memorable fashion. After giving the nod to Valentino's Barbiecore, the actress was seen posing in a beautiful Falguni Shane Peacock number which truly gave us a noteworthy moment. She opted for a pristine white number that came with the chicest details. With a figure-grazing fit, her outfit was one to up the dramatic factor. The semi-sheer crop corset was paired with a bodycon net skirt with self-embroidery. What really caught our attention were the feathery sleeves of the fit, which radiated the designer's signature style. With a fresh face of makeup and side-parted tresses, Priyanka looked breathtakingly gorgeous!
The multi-hyphenate has never hesitated to dial the glam number and very recently she did that right with a beautiful Valentino number. The front row at the Paris Fashion Week saw a dose of high fashion as Priyanka made a fashion moment in a pink kaftan dress as she aced the Barbiecore trend. Her alluring charm was too hard to miss as she matched the look with matching pantaboots and a bag.
Also Read: Can You Help Priyanka Chopra Pick A Handbag With Her Strapless Black Midi Dress?