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7 Signs That Your Friends Are Taking You For Granted

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It's Never About You

Friends who don't make an effort to spend time with you or even ask you about your whereabouts and only talk about themselves are the friends who don't value you

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When your efforts, whether big or small, go unnoticed or unacknowledged, then it's a sign that your partner doesn't take you seriously in their life

Lack Of Appreciation

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You Can't Count On Them

They reach out to you whenever they feel like and are not available when you need them. They don't support you emotionally, and if you feel you can't count on them, then it means you are being taken for granted

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If they just don't seem to care about what you are up to or why you are not talking to them, then maybe they just take you for granted and don't fear losing you

They Don't Fear Losing You

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They want you to prioritise them, but they are always too busy to make time for you, so it's a red flag. 

They Are Too Busy for You

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You feel like you can't say no to any of their demands because then they will lecture you about being a bad friend, and then they are just taking your friendship for granted

You Can't Say No


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