This is one of the vital yoga poses for period cramps. A child's pose brings relaxation by flexing your reproductive organs as well as relieving tension in your nervous system and shoulders
child's pose
Image Credits: Pexels
The bound angle yoga pose is another helpful pose to deal with menstrual cramps. This pose also soothes the digestive system and stimulates the ovaries, thus improving their reproductive health and reducing cramps
bound angle pose
Image Credits: Pexels
Another popular poses for period cramps, that not only helps in improving blood circulation and metabolism but also in decreasing blood pressure, boosting energy, and calming the nervous system
This pose is simple yet powerful for cramp relief. Pulling your knees into your chest and holding them helps in muscle relaxation
knees to chest pose
Image Credits: Pexels
The corpse pose asks you to do nothing but lie on your back while keeping your legs, hips, shoulders, and neck aligned and your eyes closed. This helps stretch out the abdomen and hips
corpse pose
Image Credits: Pexels
This pose is meant to stretch the front of the body, including the chest, abdomen, and quadriceps, and improve menstrual cramps