At Baba Siddique's Iftar party, Bollywood stars put their best sartorial foot forward. From gorgeous sharara sets to elegant sarees, the divas lived up to the ethnic drama. And Sayani Gupta's wine drape has definitely made it to our list of best-dressed. The satin chiffon saree featuring a blue mirrorwork border was teamed with a strap pink blouse, which was also laced with heavy mirror work. The plunging sweetheart neckline of the blouse made a canvas for the choker-style necklace. An oxidised statement ring and bangle were the additional accessories Sayani wore. She styled her tresses in a bun, adorned with a fresh gajra. She added in subtle blush and highlighter. Sleek eyeliner and soft kohl on the lower waterline enhanced that gaze. Well done brows and maroon shade on the lips worked wonders. Sayani finished it off with a small bindi.
An ivory saree is nothing less than a dream. The white organza drape, from Torani, had intricate chikankari motifs all over with a broad patti border. Underneath, she added a strap blouse to complete the monochromatic look. We all know, Sayani's ethnic look is only completed when she styles her hair in a bun and adorns it with a gajra. Sayani's dewy makeup with kohl-rimmed eyes, and glossy lips were as always on point.
(Also Read: The Weather Is Sweet And Sayani Gupta's Floral Mini Dress Makes Us Move Our Dancing Feet)
When Sayani Gupta added a retro touch to the classic black saree, fashionistas were left gawking. Her ethnic wonder, styled with a strappy black blouse, came with sequins and romantic old-world charm. Sayani went retro with her makeup too. She complemented her feline eyes with a classic black winged eyeliner and wore a deep red lip shade which proved why classics are well-deserving of that title.
For the ‘kali pujo', Sayani Gupta draped herself in a chic black saree with white printed details all over. She matched it with a stylish silver blouse, featuring a sweetheart neckline and straps. The traditional heavy necklace and her statement sleek hairdo added more pizazz to the look.
Once, Sayani Gupta looked pristine in white as she picked a stunning saree by the designer label Jade. The drape had pretty lacework detailing at the borders, making it a perfect minimalistic ethnic wear. To elevate her look, the actress wore a sequined spaghetti blouse with a modern twist. Her nude makeup looked brilliant.
Sayani Gupta has a knack for pulling off sarees with utmost grace and making us stare at her in admiration.
(Also Read: Sayani Gupta In A Printed Maxi Dress Could Easily Be Displayed At A Modern Art Exhibit)
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