Tejasswi Prakash has been the talk of the town for her fashion style and sartorial choices. Redefining fashion at its best, the actor has been seen slaying monotone pantsuits, elaborate lehengas and elegant sarees, alike. This time Tejasswi opted for a monochromatic co-ord set in deep red colour and looked as striking as ever. The co-ord set consisted of a halter neck crop top with a plunging neckline and tie-knot detailing at the back. Tejasswi paired the backless top with flared pants in the same shade of red. The actor acessorised the outfit with golden hoop earrings and black strap heels. Tying her silky mane in a messy bun, the actor opted for nude makeup with soft kohl and glossy brown lip colour.
Also Read: Tejasswi Prakash Is Redefining Summer Ethnic Fashion In A Bedazzled Pastel Lehenga
Making tie and dye outfits trendy for the summers, Tejasswi Prakash opted for some colourpop summer dresses. The actor opted for a full-sleeved maxi dress with a beautiful flare and dramatic side slit in orange and green on a white base. The floor-sweeping maxi dress had a plunging neckline, power sleeves and cutout detailing and the midriff area. Tejasswi picked golden hoop earrings to go with the dress. Keeping her silky mane loose, the actor opted for rosy makeup and applied pink lip colour. Maxi dresses are a popular summer trend in Bollywood. Dia Mirza, Kareena Kapoor, Malaika Arora and Kiara Advani have shown us some striking maxi dresses this season.
Also Read: Tejasswi Prakash's Bold Black Sequin Dress Is A Party Starter Every Step Of The Way
Tejasswi Prakash wore a pastel pantsuit and got her fans enthralled. In one of her pictures on the social media handle the actor opted for a pastel pantsuit in peach and white. The deep neck blazer was paired by the actor with narrow fit pants. The actor opted for an evil eye pendant in contrast with her formal attire. Leaving her hair loose, Tejasswi opted for dewy makeup and pink lip tint.
Tejasswi's fans would love to see more of the actor's exquisite fashion choices.
Also Read: Tejasswi Prakash Gives A Bold Spin To Power Dressing In A Royal Blue Pantsuit