Shraddha Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor will be seen together in Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar which is scheduled to be released in March 2023. Both the actors have been promoting the movie stylishly and we are excited to see the pair in the upcoming movie. Shraddha Kapoor was seen in a refreshing tangerine co-ord set which included a strappy orange bralette, a pair of wide-leg pants with retro slits on the side and a full-sleeved cropped blazer in the same colour palette to complete the monochrome outfit. Shraddha's minimal dewy makeup included rosy cheek tint, a dash of kohl, ample mascara and pink lip tint. Accessorising the look with stud earrings and black platform heels, Shraddha looked casually chic in every way.
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Shraddha Kapoor's recent appearance in a pastel pink blazer dress surely skipped many heart beats. The baby pink outfit from clothing brand Gnama featured a strappy mini dress with tie-knot details at the front and a plunging neckline. Shraddha carried a full-sleeved blazer with the mini dress in the same shade of pink. A pair of star-styled gold earrings and a stack of metal bangles were the only accessories which the actress opted for. She kept the makeup minimal, rosy and radiant.
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Shraddha Kapoor's all-black cutout midi dress is the glam quotient we need to include in our wardrobes right now! The full-sleeved outfit from clothing label Self Portrait was sleek, chic and glamorous and featured cutout detailing at the midriff region, with dramatic belle sleeves and a bodycon fit at the bottom. Shraddha's glamorous nude makeup included neatly highlighted cheekbones, shimmering eyelids, winged eyeliner, and nude lip colour. For accessories, she wore a pair of silver hoops and black strap heels.
Which is your favourite look of Shraddha Kapoor's?
Also Read: Shraddha Kapoor In A Gorgeous Orange Lehenga Is More Radiant Than The Autumn Sun
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