Madhuri Dixit has time and again proved that there is nobody better at being the OG desi girl in Bollywood. One of her most well-known works was a film called Anjaam opposite Shah Rukh Khan and Deepak Tijori, where she delivered a memorable performance. As the film completes 27 years of its release today, the star posted some iconic looks from the film that always made her standout from the rest. We can see her wearing a black suit with the puffed up shoulders which was one the most popular style trends of the time. She kept her hair in her signature feathered blow out to give it a gorgeous voluminous look that she is known for. She also shares her famous green and brown bandhani lehenga that she donned for the song, Chane Ke Khet Mein, which we still know each hook step for by heart.
Also Read: We Cherry-Ish Madhuri Dixit's Timeless Grace And Style In Her Ravishing Red Saree
There is no secret here that Madhuri Dixit has given us some of the greatest music hits too that hasn't lost its charm one bit. So when on an episode of Dance Deewane 3, Nora Fatehi and Madhuri Dixit danced to Mere Piya Ghar Aaya, they both did it in perfect glamorous avatars. Madhuri Dixit was seen in a dazzling pink lehenga by Amit Aggarwal and complementary ruby-diamond jewellery to go with it.
In fact when the film Yaarana completed 25 years last year, she shared some gorgeous looks from the film featuring a colourful printed suit, statement casuals with her signature feathered blow out, moments with Rishi Kapoor and Saroj Khan and some glistening gold looks. It was only fair for Madhuri Dixit and Nora Fatehi to hit the right beat even years after the release of Mere Piya Ghar Aaya from this blockbuster hit.
Also Read: Madhuri Dixit Is All About Pink In A Stunning Lehenga That Is Summer Perfect
Dedh Ishqiya was one of Madhuri Dixit's most memorable films where she played the role of Begum Para where she looked like absolute royalty. We saw her deliver many roles but the unique experience of playing a begum was complete with beautiful chiffon sarees, pearls and everything fit for a queen.
We look at some of the best ethnic looks that Madhuri Dixit continues to deliver even today:
Also Read: Madhuri Dixit In A Breezy Sharara Suit Gives Us Summer Fashion Inspiration
Madhuri Dixit's trip down memory lane sure took us back to all the gorgeous ethnic styles that this star has given the silver screen in all these years.
Also Read: Madhuri Dixit Casts A Spell On Us In Her Ever-So-Stunning Fusion Outfit
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