Veteran star Zeenat Aman made her Instagram debut quite recently. Since then, she has been ruling social media like a pro and her throwback images almost always go viral. In the latest update, she has gifted us some gems from her youth. Bonus? Her co-star and the legendary actor Dharmendra. The first throwback image is a still from the song Saare Bazaar Karenge Pyar from the film Katilon Ke Kaatil. In the caption, Zeenat Aman explained that the song was a "full-fledged gender role reversal” and their outfits are testament to the statement. The actress is decked up in a chequered shirt neatly tucked into sleek pants, cinched by a tan leather belt. A sleeveless jacket and a cowboy hat rounded off her outfit, while a faux moustache and men's haircut added that extra dose of machismo. On the other hand, Dharmendra was seen wearing a flowing white dress, paired with a hat and dainty pearl earrings.
(Also Read: Zeenat Aman's Silver Mane Snubs Ageism And Proves That Grey Hair Can Be A Matter Of Pride)
In the second snapshot, Zeenat and Dharmendra lit up the fashion scene in their dazzling outfits. The actress slipped into a stylish silver jumpsuit, featuring short half-sleeves and a V-cut neckline. Soft-glam and a pair of matching earrings accompanied her snazzy ensemble. Soft-kohl in the eyes, and glossy lips for the glam worked wonders. Dharmendra also opted for a jumpsuit but in black leather, layered over a round-neck white t-shirt. Aman revealed that the photograph was from the sets of the song Naya Naya Hota Hain Purana Purana, from their film Jagir.
Slinky, blingy and figure-hugging gowns are currently quite popular in the fashion world. But, let us tell you, Aman did it first. In one of her throwbacks, the veteran star shared the story behind one of her most iconic looks: a slinky silver gown. The daring ensemble was created by a famous costume designer of the time, Mani Rabadi. She recalled how to give the gown that form-fitting silhouette, the designer sewed the gown while she was wearing it. To round off her jaw-dropping look, the actress added a sleek necklace and a ring. Her soft smoky glam and feather-like bouncy blowout hair complemented the aesthetics of the look.
Zeenat Aman will be next seen in Faraz Arif Ansari's Bun Tikki alongside Shabana Azmi and Abhay Deol.
(Also Read: If Zeenat Aman Sets "Scarecrow Chic" As A Trend, Then We Will Happily Follow It)