Ahead of its release, Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani has undoubtedly generated a huge buzz. Fans are desperately waiting to witness Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt spread the charm with their chemistry. While we are listening to its tracks on a loop, fashionistas in every corner can't help but admire how Karan Johar's upcoming directorial has ignited the sartorial celebration with Alia's drapes. The responsibility for Alia's outfits have been rested on the shoulders of Bollywood's favourite designer Manish Malhotra. For their Day 2 of Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani promotions, the stars landed in the national capital. Delhi witnessed Alia Bhatt spreading magic through the ombre trend, as she draped a gorgeous multi-pastel saree. The actress styled her chiffon saree in a loose pallu style. Its subtle lacey border not only created a scallop element but sided with the minimalist trend. Alia styled her saree with a strap blouse having a plunging neckline. Creating a backless element, the straps are divided into two while extending backwards. Ranveer Singh, on the other hand, continued his trajectory of an all-black look. However, ditching the casuals the actor created a semi-formal look with a black suit, formal white shirt and big black sunglasses.
(Also Read: Alia Bhatt Looks Like A Breath Of Fresh Air In A Striking Pink And Green Saree)
Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh kick-started their promotional spree from Vadodara. Alia draped a stunning colour-blocked saree, yet again from the shelves of Manish Malhotra. Just like her Delhi drape, Alia's bright pink and yellow six yards featured a subtle lace element on its border. We are well aware of how the couturier loves to play around with designs on the blouse. Therefore, this time he made a strap blouse with a plunging neckline that extended backwards to form a triangular back. She styled her side-parted hair with loose waves. Oxidised jhumkas, black bindi and smokey eyes gave us a complete Rani vibe.
Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani will hit the theatres on July 28.