Kareena Kapoor has been one of Bollywood's favourite fashionistas. It helps that the actress looks stunning even in the most mundane of pyjamas and oversized shirts. Now, Kareena has fashion lovers taking notes after she stepped out in a classic Little Black Dress (LBD) with a touch of shine. The figure-hugging dress has a V-shaped neckline with stone embellishment. She matched the short number with drop earrings and a pair of pointed pumps in a shade of silver. As she posed next to her husband, Saif Ali Khan and son Taimur, Kareena kept the makeup simple with kohl-rimmed eyes and a glowy base.
Kareena Kapoor exudes glamour in any outfit she wears. Recently, the actress was seen in another all-black outfit, this time an athleisure set, which was paired with a matching black jacket, dewy makeup and winger eyeliner.
(Also Read: Malaika Arora And Kareena Kapoor Are The Besties In Sporty Black Outfits)
Kareena Kapoor also rocked a black turtleneck T-shirt on another occasion. She completed the look with a face free of makeup and a pair of cool sunglasses. This is casual fashion done right, don't you think?
The basic black outfit is one of Kareena Kapoor's favourite ensembles. The actress kept up with the trend by wearing a solid black tank top. She paired it with a black column skirt. Kareena styled her straight hair with a mid-partition. With contoured cheeks, nude lip colour and winged eyeliner, Kareena looked ravishing.
Even while choosing her winter attire, Kareena Kapoor loves to opt for black. She chose black jeans with a jacket of the same colour. The kohl around her eyes complemented the look. Kareena added contrast of hues by wearing a white shawl around her neck. She tied her hair at the back for a sleek and chic look.
Kareena Kapoor's love for black outfits is so relatable. Don't you think so?
(Also Read: In A Gucci T-shirt With A Dior Bag, Kareena Kapoor Drops Taimur Ali Khan To Class In Style)
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