Kerala lottery result: The Directorate of Kerala State Lotteries (also known as Kerala Lotteries) will release the Kerala lottery result list for Sthree Sakthi lottery today evening. The draw for Kerala Lotteries will be held at Gorky Bhavan near Bakery Junction, Thiruvananthapuram today afternoon and the results will be published online by 4.30 pm. The Sthree Sakthi lottery carries a first prize of Rs 7,500,000 (or 75 Lakh) and a second prize of Rs 10 lakh.
Yesterday, the Kerala State Lotteries released the WIN WIN lottery result and Karunya results on Saturday.
Tomorrow, the Kerala Lotteries will release the Akshaya results and another lottery draw for Nirmal scheme will be held on Friday, .
Kerala lottery results: Today's details
Lottery conducted by | Kerala State Lotteries |
Lottery name | Sthree Sakthi lottery |
Lottery result date | 7th September |
Lottery draw day | Tuesday |
Lottery number | SS 277 |
First prize | Rs 75 lakh |
Second prize | Rs 10 lakh |
Lottery draw starts at | 3.00 pm |
Ticket prize | Rs 40 |
According to an official Kerala lottery result statement released by the Kerala Lotteries, a Government of Kerala enterprise, the prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.
Apart from Sthree Sakthi, Kerala Lotteries run draws for other state-run lotteries like Nirmal, Akshaya, WIN WIN, Karunya and Karunya Plus.
Click here for more Lotttery Results