Following news reports, the Uttar Pradesh (UP) government has seized copies of a book of English alphabets for nursery students that carried violent words such as bomb and chakoo (knife) and slapped a show cause notice on the school that had prescribed the book.
UP Joint Education Director Vikas Srivastava led the raid to St. Marks School in Udayganj and hauled up the authorities for being "so careless" that a book containing violent words was allowed to find its way into the syllabus.
Last week news reports highlighted that in the book, the alphabet B was being used for the word 'Bomb' and C for 'Chakoo'.
Also, a moral education book from Moradabad carrying an inverted national flag has been withdrawn from the market.
The publisher said it had withdrawn 2,700 copies of the book and destroyed the remaining 2,500.
UP Joint Education Director Vikas Srivastava led the raid to St. Marks School in Udayganj and hauled up the authorities for being "so careless" that a book containing violent words was allowed to find its way into the syllabus.
Last week news reports highlighted that in the book, the alphabet B was being used for the word 'Bomb' and C for 'Chakoo'.
Also, a moral education book from Moradabad carrying an inverted national flag has been withdrawn from the market.
The publisher said it had withdrawn 2,700 copies of the book and destroyed the remaining 2,500.
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