This Article is From Jan 16, 2012

After return from Dubai, man hangs himself near airport

Mumbai: The body of a 33-yr-old man was found suspended from a bridge 500 m from the international airport in Sahar, two hours after he disembarked from a Dubai-Mumbai flight.

Police, who were intimated about the location of the body through a phone call by a local, said that prima facie, Manuel Pereira had committed suicide, but that they were investigating further to ascertain the exact cause of death.

"Our primary investigations reveal that it is a case of suicide. There are no marks on his body and we have ruled out murder. Based on that we have registered a case of accidental death (ADR) and the deceased's family members have been notified," said Uttam Kolekar, police inspector at Sahar Airport.

According to the police, Pereira landed at 5 am and was scheduled to board a flight to Goa later in the day. About two hours later, they found his body hanging from a small bridge. Cops presume that Pereira walked about half a km before stopping near the bridge, under which a nullah flows. After tying one end of a nylon rope to his neck and the other to the bridge, he is assumed to have leapt from the bridge.

The police recovered only a passport from his shirt pocket, from which they deduced that he was a resident of Margao, Goa. Officials added that the site where the body was found is a high security area. The police have collected footage from various CCTV cameras and are processing the data.  The body was sent to Cooper Hospital for postmortem. The deceased's family is on its way from Goa.