CM Prithviraj Chavan wrote on social networking website Twitter that he had sought an explanation from the MMRDA about the leakage inside Mumbai Metro. (File photo)
Taking cognisance of the outrage over social media platforms on water leaking inside the newly launched Mumbai Metro, Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan has demanded an explanation about it from the Mumbai Metropolitan Rail Development Authority (MMRDA) over how such a thing could've happened.
Websites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have been abuzz with a picture and a video showing water leaking from the roof of the Metro - the flow almost looks like a bathroom shower. While mid-day couldn't verify their authenticity, the leakage was confirmed by Mumbai Metro One Pvt Ltd (MMOPL), who blamed it on an air-conditioning duct.
The affected train was immediately pulled from operation and sent to the workshop. MMOPL also claimed that soon after, they inspected all the AC units inside the coaches of their fleet of 16 trains.
Officials from MMOPL dismissed this as a small incident. The MMOPL spokesperson said, "The inconvenience caused to passengers was minimised due to our effective and timely steps, with no impact on train services.
The issue was resolved, and the train back into service very next day. As an additional measure, we have undertaken a detailed investigation on all trains and found that the fleet is fit from all aspects."
Taken seriously
The CM had posted on Twitter about his speaking to MMRDA on the problem. Sources in the MMRDA said that Chavan immediately spoke to them about the issue, and asked Metropolitan Commissioner UPS Madan for an explanation.
"There has already been verbal communication with MMOPL and they have been asked to provide a detailed report on the incident," said a senior MMRDA official. MMRDA officials claim that this report will mention the technical glitches that led to leakage inside the coaches, which inconvenienced commuters.
MMOPL, a special vehicle floated for the project, is a consortium led by Anil Ambani-led Reliance Infrastructure, which has a 69% holding of equity share capital. MMRDA holds 26% and Veolia Transport, France holds the rest. MMOPL has developed, and is operating, the Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar Metro rail. The 11.4-km VAG Metro was opened for public use on June 8. Since then, more than 1 crore have travelled by it.
Leakage lampooned
Meanwhile, a set of hilarious images is doing the rounds on the Net. A Facebook user Dhimant Vyas has morphed, using Photoshop, different situations under the 'shower leak' of the Metro the iconic image Raj Kapoor and Nargis under an umbrella, a child releasing paper boats, a man washing his buffalo, etc. The images have been circulating online ever since.
Websites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have been abuzz with a picture and a video showing water leaking from the roof of the Metro - the flow almost looks like a bathroom shower. While mid-day couldn't verify their authenticity, the leakage was confirmed by Mumbai Metro One Pvt Ltd (MMOPL), who blamed it on an air-conditioning duct.
The affected train was immediately pulled from operation and sent to the workshop. MMOPL also claimed that soon after, they inspected all the AC units inside the coaches of their fleet of 16 trains.
Officials from MMOPL dismissed this as a small incident. The MMOPL spokesperson said, "The inconvenience caused to passengers was minimised due to our effective and timely steps, with no impact on train services.
The issue was resolved, and the train back into service very next day. As an additional measure, we have undertaken a detailed investigation on all trains and found that the fleet is fit from all aspects."
Taken seriously
The CM had posted on Twitter about his speaking to MMRDA on the problem. Sources in the MMRDA said that Chavan immediately spoke to them about the issue, and asked Metropolitan Commissioner UPS Madan for an explanation.
"There has already been verbal communication with MMOPL and they have been asked to provide a detailed report on the incident," said a senior MMRDA official. MMRDA officials claim that this report will mention the technical glitches that led to leakage inside the coaches, which inconvenienced commuters.
MMOPL, a special vehicle floated for the project, is a consortium led by Anil Ambani-led Reliance Infrastructure, which has a 69% holding of equity share capital. MMRDA holds 26% and Veolia Transport, France holds the rest. MMOPL has developed, and is operating, the Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar Metro rail. The 11.4-km VAG Metro was opened for public use on June 8. Since then, more than 1 crore have travelled by it.
Leakage lampooned
Meanwhile, a set of hilarious images is doing the rounds on the Net. A Facebook user Dhimant Vyas has morphed, using Photoshop, different situations under the 'shower leak' of the Metro the iconic image Raj Kapoor and Nargis under an umbrella, a child releasing paper boats, a man washing his buffalo, etc. The images have been circulating online ever since.
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