Actor Aditya Pancholi, who was accused of rape 10 years ago by an actress last week, has been granted interim relief by a court in Mumbai today. Pancholi, 54, cannot be arrested till July 19 in the case, news agency ANI has reported.
The actress had recorded her statement before the police last week, based on which, the Mumbai police had filed a case against Pancholi.
Aditya Pancholi has maintained that he was "falsely implicated" in the case.
"I have all the evidence in this case. I am ready to cooperate with the Mumbai Police. If they call me for my statement, then I will cooperate. I am ready for investigation," he was quoted as saying by ANI.
Aditya Pancholi has also been accused of abuse by actress Kangana Ranaut.
(With inputs from ANI)
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