This Article is From Nov 05, 2012

Kasab being treated for dengue inside jail

Kasab being treated for dengue inside jail
Mumbai: Ajmal Kasab, the sole surviving terrorist from the 26/11 terror attack who is on death row, is being treated for dengue at the highly secured 'anda' cell at Arthur Road jail, where he is confined.

Additional Director General (Prisons) Meeran Borwankar confirmed that Kasab had indeed tested positive for dengue, and that instructions have already been issued across state prisons for fogging to be conducted.

Borwankar said, "A guard at Arthur Road jail had tested positive for dengue a few days ago, and the decision was taken to examine other inmates as well. And since Kasab has been suffering from fever since October 31, his blood samples were also sent and the report confirmed dengue. His health has improved now."

S Karnik, acting jail superintendent of Arthur Road jail said, "Kasab has been running a temperature of over 101 degrees over the last two days, and as per the advice of the jail doctor, blood tests for malaria and dengue was conducted. The reports received on Saturday showed negative results for malaria, but were positive for dengue in the initial stages."

Karnik added that as per jail procedure, a doctor visits Kasab daily, and in one such routine check-up, it was found that he was running a temperature.

A team of doctors from J J hospital has been attending to Kasab on a daily basis since then. He was also administered a saline drip inside his cell.

A faculty member from J J hospital examined Kasab yesterday, and reported that he is no longer running a temperature and that his vital parameters are normal. He told hospital officials that there is no need to hospitalise Kasab.

A senior doctor attached to J J hospital said, "Kasab is showing improvement, he was not running a high temperature today. A team of doctors from J J will be making regular visits to his cell over the next few days. Instructions have already been given to jail authorities about his diet and medicines."

Karnik added, "For the past two days, Kasab has been on a liquid diet, but on Sunday he had solid food and was feeling better."

When asked if his cell was being fogged for mosquitoes, Karnik replied in the affirmative, saying it had been done on Saturday.

Kasab is the only inmate in the Arthur Road jail who has tested positive for dengue this season.  
