9 years ago
Heavy rains since morning flooded many parts of Mumbai, disrupting rail and road traffic as well as flights, officials said. Traffic crawled at a snail's pace on major thoroughfares like Eastern Express and Western Express highways and major north-south roads, delaying tens of thousands.

The downpour since daybreak, measuring around 90 mm average till evening, resulted in flooding in many parts of south, central Mumbai and eastern and western suburbs, leading to heavy traffic snarls in the morning peak hour.

School children seen wading through the flooded streets in Mumbai after heavy downpour.

The State of Khar Subway

Water Level Receding

Traffic eases in Mumbai as water level receded in many areas.
Mumbai Rain Helpline Numbers

Police, Fire Brigade And National Disaster Response Force On High Alert

The weather office has forecast very heavy rain in Mumbai and the coastal Konkan region over the next 48 hours and all major services like the police, fire brigade and the National Disaster Response Force or NDRF are on high alert.
Suburb Thane, Palghar and Raigad Also Affected

Heavy rain in Mumbai suburb Thane and the adjoining Palghar and Raigad slowed traffic on all major routes linking Mumbai with Ahmedabad, Pune, Nashik and Goa.

Amitabh Bachchan On Rains In Mumbai

High Tides In Mumbai

Mumbai is now bracing for high tide, which will mean that water in low lying areas will take longer to drain out. 

Local trains on Mumbai's Central and Harbour lines are running about 15 minutes late since  morning.