This Article is From Dec 17, 2010

Man sets wife ablaze for attending wedding

Mumbai: Maruti Khade, 27, allegedly set his wife ablaze when she attended a wedding ceremony without his consent. The woman was hospitalised while police are looking for her absconding husband.

According to the information from Mumbra police station the incident took place in Mumbra on Wednesday evening. The victim woman Urmila Khade, 23, was staying with her husband in Mumbra Colony at Mumbra Retibunder. On Wednesday afternoon, Urmila attended a wedding ceremony at one of their neighbours when Maruti was not at home.

After his return, when he did not find her at home, he sent her a message to come home immediately. Maruti could not control his anger when she returned and allegedly poured kerosene on her and set her ablaze. Her calls for help gathered neighbours but before their arrival, Maruti ran away from home. She was admitted to the Civil Hospital with 95 percent burnt injuries.

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