This Article is From Dec 16, 2010

Mumbai ACP committed suicide under pressure, says brother

Mumbai: A family member of the assistant commissioner of police, Baburao Gaikwad, who had committed suicide by shooting himself with his service revolver on Monday, said that his brother is a victim of homicide.

MD Gaikwad, a doctor in Aurangabad and younger brother of the ACP, said that his brother was not the kind of person who would kill himself; there was definitely some foul play due to which he committed suicide. "We believe that he was under pressure from someone in the department or outside. I asked the police to thoroughly inquire the matter. We will wait for the police investigation report and will take action accordingly," said Gaikwad.

The ACP's brother added that Baburao had handled several high profile cases and he would have had many enemies as a result of it. "His enemies could have pressurised him to take such drastic step" added Gaikwad.

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