This Article is From Nov 21, 2010

Mumbai: Constable arrested for duping people

Mumbai: A police constable attached to the Navi Mumbai police Commissionerate was arrested by the Kalamboli Police for cheating people to the tune of lakhs of rupees. The accused has been identified as Vitthal Naik.

According to police, Naik led a gang that lured people to invest money with a promise to double it in a month. Attracted by lucrative returns many people invested money in the schemes.

The modus-operandi of the gang was to start conversation with people when they came to collect the money and introduce newer schemes. While they would be talking, Naik would appear and conduct a 'raid' to arrest a wanted criminal - the promoter of the investment scheme. Naik and his gang would stage the raid so effectively that the investors would get terrified and forget about their money for the fear of being caught in legal tangle.

The involvement of Naik in the gang was revealed during investigation of a complaint lodged by Farukh Mujeeb Khan.

According to Khan, who is an auto driver came to know about the investment plan from his friend Jamal, wherein money was doubled in a month. Impressed by it, Farukh agreed to invest and arranged Rs 2.30 lakh. Jamal called him to Central Park at Kharghar. When Farukh reached there, Naik appeared on the scene and claiming to be from crime branch, staged the arrest of Jamal on charges of being involved in the act. When Farukh pleaded innocence, he was released.

However, Naik seized Rs 2.30 lakh from him. Later when Farukh came to know about the nexus between Jamal and Naik he lodged a complaint with Kharghar police. Following the complaint, police arrested Sayyad Khan. A manhunt has been launched for other accomplices Altaf and Jamal.

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