This Article is From Jun 07, 2012

Mumbai cools down as mercury dips 6 C

Mumbai: Colaba, which had recorded a maximum temperature of 35.6 degree Celsius on Tuesday, witnessed a steep dip in temperatures when the maximum was recorded at 29.6 degree Celsius. Santacruz too experienced more pleasant weather where the maximum temperature was recorded at 28.8 degree Celsius.

"These are favourable conditions and the southwest monsoon winds have further advanced into most parts of the Central Arabian Sea, Goa, some parts of south Konkan and some parts of Karnataka. The pre-monsoon showers will continue to pour for the next two days and the temperatures are further expected to reduce by one degree," said VK Rajeev, regional director, India Meteorological Department (IMD), Mumbai.

And even though the Colaba division experienced no rainfall, the Santacruz area witnessed traces of rain in some areas. "Heavy rains were witnessed by the Konkan," added Rajeev. According to the weather officials, the temperature will fluctuate between 32 degree Celsius and 28 degree Celsius in the next 24 hours.
