A 16-year-old girl was repeatedly slapped by a man in Mumbai's Nehru Nagar on Tuesday for reportedly objecting to his comments. In the CCTV camera footage, the man, probably in his 20s, is seen hitting the girl so hard that she faints.
According to the police, the girl was on her way to her stitching class with her friend when Imran Shahid Shaikh, who is her neighbour and stays in the same building, passed comments that she didn't like. When she complained about it, the man got agitated, punched and slapped her.
As the man hit her, the CCTV footage shows, onlookers didn't do anything to help her. Her friend informed her parents who rushed her to a local hospital. She was later shifted to Rajawadi Hospital in Ghatkopar. The security guard of the building, who is an eyewitness, said he was too scared and stunned to react.
The parents registered a complaint later in the evening, in which the girl alleged that the accused first teased her and when she raised an alarm, he physically assaulted her.
The accused was arrested the same day, but was released on bail the next morning. The victim's family alleges that the accused sent men to their home to threaten them to withdraw the case.
Police on Saturday evening arrested the man once again and pressed a new charge of molestation against him and took him in custody.
The girl has been discharged and she is recovering at home. She told NDTV, "He has been harassing me for sometime. That day he hit me. When we filed a complaint, he threatened us to take it back. We aren't going to do that. He should be punished."
According to the police, the girl was on her way to her stitching class with her friend when Imran Shahid Shaikh, who is her neighbour and stays in the same building, passed comments that she didn't like. When she complained about it, the man got agitated, punched and slapped her.
As the man hit her, the CCTV footage shows, onlookers didn't do anything to help her. Her friend informed her parents who rushed her to a local hospital. She was later shifted to Rajawadi Hospital in Ghatkopar. The security guard of the building, who is an eyewitness, said he was too scared and stunned to react.
The parents registered a complaint later in the evening, in which the girl alleged that the accused first teased her and when she raised an alarm, he physically assaulted her.
The accused was arrested the same day, but was released on bail the next morning. The victim's family alleges that the accused sent men to their home to threaten them to withdraw the case.
Police on Saturday evening arrested the man once again and pressed a new charge of molestation against him and took him in custody.
The girl has been discharged and she is recovering at home. She told NDTV, "He has been harassing me for sometime. That day he hit me. When we filed a complaint, he threatened us to take it back. We aren't going to do that. He should be punished."
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