Soon after the Bombay High Court turned down the petition of an MBBS student caught with chits in an exam hall, the court is now hearing the case of four students from the Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies who allegedly entered the exam hall of a Masters in Business Management Course with "revision notes" in their pockets.
Sumangal Nevatia, Ketan Rathod, Abhilash Jadhav and Deepanshu Bansal were allegedly caught with chits in their pockets during the first semester examination of the master's degree course in December 2009. In their petition, they have stated that the notes were found in their pocket out of oversight as students often carry them to study while travelling. They also stated that nothing was copied from the notes.
Last week, justices PB Majmudar and Mridula Bhatkar, however, said that such behaviour can be pardoned only in case of primary schoolchildren.
The institute's Unfair Means Committee (UMC) held that the petitioners were guilty and cancelled their first semester results on April 21 this year. They then approached the Students' Grievance Committee (SGC) of the University of Mumbai on July 16. On August 18, the SGC passed a resolution asking the external examiners to re-assess the first semester answersheets and admit the students to the second year if they clear have cleared the same.
On October 26, however, the students were told that the UMC report was accepted in full and their admission to next year was withdrawn.
The court will hear the arguments of the advocate for the students Mihir Desai and that for the institute Rui Rodrigues when it resumes after vacation.
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Sumangal Nevatia, Ketan Rathod, Abhilash Jadhav and Deepanshu Bansal were allegedly caught with chits in their pockets during the first semester examination of the master's degree course in December 2009. In their petition, they have stated that the notes were found in their pocket out of oversight as students often carry them to study while travelling. They also stated that nothing was copied from the notes.
Last week, justices PB Majmudar and Mridula Bhatkar, however, said that such behaviour can be pardoned only in case of primary schoolchildren.
The institute's Unfair Means Committee (UMC) held that the petitioners were guilty and cancelled their first semester results on April 21 this year. They then approached the Students' Grievance Committee (SGC) of the University of Mumbai on July 16. On August 18, the SGC passed a resolution asking the external examiners to re-assess the first semester answersheets and admit the students to the second year if they clear have cleared the same.
On October 26, however, the students were told that the UMC report was accepted in full and their admission to next year was withdrawn.
The court will hear the arguments of the advocate for the students Mihir Desai and that for the institute Rui Rodrigues when it resumes after vacation.
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