The Mumbai police are facing an online backlash for their 'moral policing' act at a lounge where 71 youngsters were detained for 3 hours and then fined Rs 38000 rupees, all for dancing indecently.
Most of them were call centre employees having a bite after work. A few couples, eyewitnesses say, were holding hands and dancing.
The arrests have led to huge indignation across the city and the question that many are asking is what defines indecent?
One person writes in, ''Can Mumbai Police publish a list of decent dance steps?''
Another says, ''This has even made news here in Melbourne. This is nonsense! What next? Cover up Khajuraho?"
"There are far more important issues for the police to address. Why aren't they looking at that? My mother was attacked on the street outside our house. But the police have a problem with youngsters dancing," says activist Nitin Karani.
Sources say even senior police officers are unhappy about the action taken. There were no drugs or underage drinking involved.
Coming close on the heels of the Maharashtra Government order that raised the drinking age limit to 25 years which also led to huge protests, a strong backlash is building up.
Most of them were call centre employees having a bite after work. A few couples, eyewitnesses say, were holding hands and dancing.
The arrests have led to huge indignation across the city and the question that many are asking is what defines indecent?
One person writes in, ''Can Mumbai Police publish a list of decent dance steps?''
Another says, ''This has even made news here in Melbourne. This is nonsense! What next? Cover up Khajuraho?"
"There are far more important issues for the police to address. Why aren't they looking at that? My mother was attacked on the street outside our house. But the police have a problem with youngsters dancing," says activist Nitin Karani.
Sources say even senior police officers are unhappy about the action taken. There were no drugs or underage drinking involved.
Coming close on the heels of the Maharashtra Government order that raised the drinking age limit to 25 years which also led to huge protests, a strong backlash is building up.
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