Following the ghastly gang-rape in Delhi, Mumbai Crime Branch chief Joint Commissioner of Police Himanshu Roy today spoke out in support of a more stringent law for crimes against women. Mr Roy was speaking at a police function in central Mumbai where he said the terminology in law like "outraging the modesty of a woman" also needed a re-look with crimes like "violent sexual assault" actually being included in law books.
At the same event, the Mumbai Commissioner of Police Satyapal Singh also assured that the police force would aim to have 30% police women on the job. He also stressed the force would need public support to ensure that Mumbai remains a safe city for women.
Taking forward this objective, top cops of the Mumbai police had come together to launch 'Operation Mrityunjay', involving the youth in the city to familiarize them with rules and methods to prevent crime.
The project is Commissioner of Police Satyapal Singh's brainchild, after he successfully implemented this programme to maintain law and order in Nagpur and Pune, where even college students had participated.
The Commissioner also announced a phone app that could help women in distress.
The ICE (In Case of Emergency) application for android phones is available on the Mumbai police website. "Through this software you can the feed the mobile number of the concerned people that you wanted to contact in case of emergency, you can even feed the number of police also. In case of emergency the woman has to press just one button of telephone," explained Mr Singh.
The Mumbai Police hopes that the 'Mrityunjay' project will improve its interface and make it a more people-friendly and approachable force. The police are also banking on alert citizens to help them fight crime on the streets, especially crimes against women.
At the same event, the Mumbai Commissioner of Police Satyapal Singh also assured that the police force would aim to have 30% police women on the job. He also stressed the force would need public support to ensure that Mumbai remains a safe city for women.
Taking forward this objective, top cops of the Mumbai police had come together to launch 'Operation Mrityunjay', involving the youth in the city to familiarize them with rules and methods to prevent crime.
The project is Commissioner of Police Satyapal Singh's brainchild, after he successfully implemented this programme to maintain law and order in Nagpur and Pune, where even college students had participated.
The Commissioner also announced a phone app that could help women in distress.
The ICE (In Case of Emergency) application for android phones is available on the Mumbai police website. "Through this software you can the feed the mobile number of the concerned people that you wanted to contact in case of emergency, you can even feed the number of police also. In case of emergency the woman has to press just one button of telephone," explained Mr Singh.
The Mumbai Police hopes that the 'Mrityunjay' project will improve its interface and make it a more people-friendly and approachable force. The police are also banking on alert citizens to help them fight crime on the streets, especially crimes against women.
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