The Bombay High Court on Tuesday demanded an explanation from IPS officers Amitabh Gupta and Bipin Kumar Singh after a Criminal Writ Petition admitted by the Court alleged that the men were attempting to influence an investigation in a multi-crore scam. One of the exhibits submitted before the bench of Justice VM Kanade and Justice PD Kode was a photo album with images of the accused playing Holi with the two officers.
Police are meant to protect citizens. There was a time when [such incidents] would take place in other states, but not Maharashtra," observed Justice Kanade. The petition has asked for a judicial inquiry into the case. The accused men, identified as Radheyshyam Gupta and Sharad Gupta, are brothers, who run Dhanlaxmi Co-operative Credit Society Ltd and Loyal Co-operative Credit Society.
The petitioner Rajeev Sharma (30) owns and runs 'Muaah and More', a well-known beauty store in Santacruz area. Between 2002 and 2008, the Malhotra family and friends deposited large sums with both societies and their sister concerns in the form of fixed deposits.
The Guptas then allegedly began to default on the payment of both the principal and interest amounts, after which the petitioner lodged an FIR against the brothers.
On June 9 last year, the duo along with about 25 goons, allegedly attempted to forcibly take the Fixed Deposit receipts that were in the petitioner's possession. While the rest of the family fought them off, Malhotra's sister rushed to the nearby Santacruz police station to lodge an FIR. But to her shock, the cops allegedly refused to do so. Malhotra's 86-year-old mother, who reportedly suffered a fracture during the attack, was taken to Bhabha hospital, where she was discharged allegedly without treatment at the behest of the two IPS officers. The family then approached Cooper Hospital, which treated the mother. Meanwhile, the two accused men had also allegedly registered a false case of dacoity against the family.
Speaking on behalf of the petitioner, advocate Subodh Desai said, "There is a miscarriage of justice... a false case has been lodged against me."
The other side
While Singh could not be reached for comment, when contacted, Amitabh Gupta, who is currently Special Inspector General of Police (Training and Special Forces) said, "I am not aware of the order, though I have heard the names of these accused before. The allegations are wild and completely baseless. I do not recall any such photos having been taken. Things can be interpreted and twisted both ways. Besides, this incident has taken place after I served my tenure in the region. I have no influence on the case."
Police are meant to protect citizens. There was a time when [such incidents] would take place in other states, but not Maharashtra," observed Justice Kanade. The petition has asked for a judicial inquiry into the case. The accused men, identified as Radheyshyam Gupta and Sharad Gupta, are brothers, who run Dhanlaxmi Co-operative Credit Society Ltd and Loyal Co-operative Credit Society.
The petitioner Rajeev Sharma (30) owns and runs 'Muaah and More', a well-known beauty store in Santacruz area. Between 2002 and 2008, the Malhotra family and friends deposited large sums with both societies and their sister concerns in the form of fixed deposits.
The Guptas then allegedly began to default on the payment of both the principal and interest amounts, after which the petitioner lodged an FIR against the brothers.
On June 9 last year, the duo along with about 25 goons, allegedly attempted to forcibly take the Fixed Deposit receipts that were in the petitioner's possession. While the rest of the family fought them off, Malhotra's sister rushed to the nearby Santacruz police station to lodge an FIR. But to her shock, the cops allegedly refused to do so. Malhotra's 86-year-old mother, who reportedly suffered a fracture during the attack, was taken to Bhabha hospital, where she was discharged allegedly without treatment at the behest of the two IPS officers. The family then approached Cooper Hospital, which treated the mother. Meanwhile, the two accused men had also allegedly registered a false case of dacoity against the family.
Speaking on behalf of the petitioner, advocate Subodh Desai said, "There is a miscarriage of justice... a false case has been lodged against me."
The other side
While Singh could not be reached for comment, when contacted, Amitabh Gupta, who is currently Special Inspector General of Police (Training and Special Forces) said, "I am not aware of the order, though I have heard the names of these accused before. The allegations are wild and completely baseless. I do not recall any such photos having been taken. Things can be interpreted and twisted both ways. Besides, this incident has taken place after I served my tenure in the region. I have no influence on the case."
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