For Mumbai residents, Monday was another day of incessant rain, flooded streets and traffic snarls. Met office said it was heaviest rainfall that the city had received in 24 hours. A woman was crushed under a bus in Kalyan after hitting a pothole on a flooded street. The Western Railway (WR) and Central Railway (CR) were running late by around 15-20 minutes due to waterlogged tracks at various points on the network, causing misery for millions of morning-peak hour commuters.
Western Railways shared a photo of rail tracks in Nallasopara on the outskirts of Mumbai where the tracks seemed to be completely submerged in water. The water levels near the tracks rose to 460 mm, the railways said.The Mumbai-Ahmedabad Shatabdi Express has been stopped at Nallasopara station with the power supply in the train cut off as a precautionary step.
Mumbai was hit with 144.47 mm of rain, the eastern suburbs got 107.21 mm and the western suburbs received 131.32 mm till 8.30 a.m. It has continued with short spells of break. School principals in Mumbai have been asked to assess the situation in their areas and take a call on closure of schools, Maharashtra Education Minister Vinod Tawde tweeted.
Here are the live updates on Mumbai weather :
A citizen speaks about rain and the civic issues resulting as a consequence
- Ria Saini (@RiaSaini9) July 10, 2018
- Train No. 12932 Ahmedabad - Mumbai Central Double Decker of 10.07.18 will be short terminated at Vapi and will be reversed as Train No. 12931 from Vapi at 16.30 hrs today i.e. 10.07.18.
- Train No. 22473 Bikaner- Bandra Terminus Superfast Express of 09.07.18 will be short terminated at Dahanu Road and will be reversed as Train No. 22474 from Dahanu Road at 16.25 hrs today i.e. 10.07.18.
- Train No. 12934 Ahmedabad - Mumbai Central Karnavati Express of 10.07.18 will be short terminated at Dahanu Road and will be reversed as Train No. 12933 from Dahanu Road at 15.30 hrs today i.e. 10.07.18.
Instructed Deputy Director to ensure that the schools in Thane and Palghar district remain closed due to the erratic weather conditions. In Mumbai, the principals of schools are instructed to take the call on school closure, gauging the water logging in the adjacent areas.
- Vinod Tawde (@TawdeVinod) July 10, 2018
Arrangements are being made to provide food packets/snacks/water to passengers of several long distance trains that have been regulated at various stns at/beyond Virar due to very heavy water level on tracks at Nallasopara #WRUpdates
- Western Railway (@WesternRly) July 10, 2018
#WATCH High tide in Mumbai as heavy rain lashes the city #MumbaiRains
- ANI (@ANI) July 10, 2018
Heavy rainfall continues to lash Mumbai.Visuals from Wadala. #MumbaiRain
- ANI (@ANI) July 10, 2018
Local trains in parts of Mumbai are running late by 10 to 15 minutes this morning due to heavy rain, the Western Railways said. After the city received five times the average rainfall on Monday, the weather department has sounded a red alert for today as well. As a result, the city's iconic 'dabbawalas' or lunch box carriers have cancelled their services for today."
#Mumbai Early morning visual from Nallasopara station, where Up and Down through line train service is halted due to water logging following heavy rains #MumbaiRains
- ANI (@ANI) July 10, 2018
Due to incessant rainfall, the Mumbai dabbawalas have cancelled services today.