With India's cumulative COVID-19 vaccination coverage crossing 38 crores, Shiv Sena MP Rahul Shewale on Saturday said that the party has planned to vaccinate 100 per cent population of Dharavi in the next 2-3 months.
"We have planned to vaccinate 100 per cent population of Dharavi in next 2-3 months and booked 10,000 slots for vaccination at private hospitals in the first phase," Mr Shewale said.
"We will be booking 30,000 more slots in the second and third phases separately. Vaccines were ordered by these private hospitals earlier, as per guidelines by the Centre. Sponsors are coming up to support us for this drive," he added.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Saturday informed that more than 38.54 crore vaccine doses have been provided to States, UTs.
"More than 38.54 crore (38,54,01,150) vaccine doses have been provided to States/UTs so far, through all sources. Of this, the total consumption including wastages is 36,80,68,124 doses (as per data available at 8 AM today)," read the official release by the ministry.