Police from Maharashtra's Beed district on Wednesday conducted searches at the house of Karuna Sharma, a woman who claims to be a second wife of Maharashtra minister Dhananjay Munde, an official said. The raids happened in Mumbai.
Karuna Sharma was arrested at Parli in central Maharashtra's Beed district on Sunday for allegedly attacking a man and making casteist slurs after she had announced that she was going to hold a press conference to reveal something.
Police also claimed to have seized a revolver from her car after the arrest.
A special team led by Deputy Superintendent of Police Sunil Jaaybhaye carried out searches at Karuna Sharma's house on SV Road in Mumbai's suburban Santacruz on Wednesday morning, a local police official told news agency Press Trust of India, without giving more details.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)