Senior Indian Police Service (IPS) officer Himanshu Roy, who had been involved in the investigation of several high-profile cases, allegedly committed suicide at his Mumbai residence on Friday. He was currently serving as an Additional Director General of Police. Himanshu Roy, a former Maharashtra Anti-Terror Squad chief, was battling cancer, and was on a long leave on medical grounds. Himanshu Roy, a 1988 batch officer, allegedly used his service revolver to shoot himself at around 1:40 pm today. Himanshu Roy was rushed to a hospital, where doctors declared him brought dead.
Several Twitter users came out on the micro-blogging website to express their anguish. Congress leader Milind Deora and actress Renuka Shahane were among those who offered their condolences.
Shocked to learn about Himanshu Roy's untimely passing. I would jokingly call him 'Hercules Roy' because of his overawing athletic build. Only recently, I messaged him to enquire about his health. He was a capable IPS officer & will be missed. May his soul rest in peace
- Milind Deora (@milinddeora) May 11, 2018
Shocked by the suicide of supercop Himanshu Roy. RIP sir. Thank you for your remarkable service
- Renuka Shahane (@renukash) May 11, 2018
RIP Himanshu Roy. Always thought of him like a movie hero.
- Whatever (@ipunamchoudhary) May 11, 2018
I am shocked to know that Himanshu Roy, a senior Mumbai police officer involved in many high-profile investigations, committed suicide at his home on Friday.
- Vishweshwar Bhat (@VishweshwarBhat) May 11, 2018
We had become close at the first meeting almost four years back. I always enamoured by his charming personality. RIP
WTF .. Himanshu Roy was among the finest IPS officers in the country, a Braveheart... He can't commit suicide, no way.. Huge conspiracy I am sure...
- .. (@Its_Asif__) May 11, 2018
Shocked to hear of Himanshu Roy's tragic passing. @MumbaiPolice has lost one of its finest. RIP
- Sandeep (@SandeepUnnithan) May 11, 2018
The officer had led high-profile investigations including one into the 2013 Indian Premier League spot-fixing, the murder of Pallavi Purkayastha and the J Dey murder.
Meanwhile, the forensic team arrived at the residence of Himanshu Roy to investigate his alleged suicide.
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