This Article is From Nov 21, 2011

She jumped off bridge; police arrest her boyfriend

She jumped off bridge; police arrest her boyfriend
Mumbai: Tragedy struck the Malvades on Sunday after their 20-year-old daughter, Reshma, a student of Industrial Training Institute (Girls) at Dadar, allegedly committed suicide by jumping off the foot overbridge (FOB) at Charni Road station.

A resident of Tulsiwadi at Tardeo, Reshma Malvade had been dating Aditya Jadhav (22), a local, for the past seven years and the couple was about to tie the knot in the next two years with their parents' approval.

According to the victim's family, Reshma's boyfriend Aditya forcibly took her away from their residence on the night of the incident. Barely an hour after he sped off with her on his bike, he called back to inform them that she had jumped off a Foot over Bridge and ended her life. The police have arrested Aditya  for abetting suicide.
Family speaks
According to Shweta, Reshma's sister, "For the last one month, the couple had been fighting frequently, as Aditya suspected her of having an affair. He had even assaulted her on several occasions."

The torture
Fed up with the increasing mental and physical torture she was subjected to by Aditya, Reshma decided to end her relationship. She called up Aditya and broke up with him. Enraged by Reshma's decision, Aditya once again assaulted her at a park in Tardeo and threatened her of dire consequences if she even thought of breaking up with him.

After the incident Reshma was quite jittery and worried. Her sister Shweta decided to take Reshma out for a movie to calm her down.

"On the day of her death, Reshma had gone out in the morning and was back home by 6 pm. She was back to her jovial self. But around 7.30 pm, Aditya came home and started arguing with her. He then forcibly took her away on his motorcycle," stated an aggrieved Shweta.

The mystery

Around 8 pm, Aditya called and informed Shweta that their bike had been knocked down by a speeding tempo. He further stated that Reshma had sustained grievous injuries and had been rushed to GT Hospital. "He called again at 8.30 pm, and this time said that my sister committed suicide by jumping off the FOB. How can the situation change suddenly in 30 minutes? I'm not ready to believe that Reshma ended her life. I feel that Aditya must have pushed her off the bridge," accused Shweta.


Commenting on the case, PSI Sunil Sangle, Tardeo police station, said, "Although the family has accused Aditya of pushing Reshma off the bridge, we are yet to find evidence substantiating their accusation. However, investigations will be carried out from all possible angles, including the claims made by the deceased's family."

Based on prima facie investigations, Aditya was booked on charges of abatement to suicide. He was produced in the Metropolitan Magistrate Court and has been remanded to police custody till November 25.