A Maharashtra BJP functionary on Tuesday filed an FIR against an unidentified person for allegedly sending her morphed obscene pictures on her contact number and threatening to make them public, police said.
Police registered a case under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) including 354 A (sexual harassment), 509 (Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) and sections of the Information Technology Act.
The complaint stated that the accused person sent the morphed images of the BJP functionary to her Whatsapp number, a Versova police station official said.
The sender mentioned in the WhatsApp message that one person had borrowed Rs 5,600 from him and had asked him to take the money from the BJP functionary, the official said quoting the FIR.
The complainant told the sender that she didn't know the person he was talking about.
The unidentified sender threatened the woman that he will make her morphed photos viral on social media and defame her, he said.
The complainant claimed that someone was playing mischief as she had filed a complaint against a woman Shiv Sena leader for allegedly using derogatory words against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the official said, adding that the investigation is underway.