Union Textile Minister Smriti Irani hoisted a 131 feet high national flag in Uttar Pradesh on Mahatma Gandhi's 149th birth anniversary. She was the chief guest at the Atal Tiranga Utsav for Gandhi Jayanti celebrations at Rajkiya Inter College in Muzaffarnagar. Speaking at the occasion, Ms Irani said that it is a matter of great pride for her to be hoisting this flag. She also tweeted pictures from the event on micro-blogging site Twitter:
@drsanjeevbalyan pic.twitter.com/jpXOIcXUvn
- Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) October 2, 2018
Earlier in the day, she paid respects to Mahatma Gandhi, saying, "A step towards cleanliness is the real tribute to Bapu."
#Gandhi150 #GandhiJayanti pic.twitter.com/34fURYUi7Y
- Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) October 2, 2018
Ms Irani also shared a rendition of 'Vaishnav Jan To', Mahatma Gandhi's favourite bhajan, sung by artists from 124 nations. Take a look:
#MahatmaGandhi is beyond territorial boundaries. He is a source of inspiration for the whole world - this rendition of 'Vaishnav Jan To' by artists from 124 Nations is a lovely tribute to the memory of Pujya Bapu. #Gandhi150 pic.twitter.com/wI8mAWYc54
- Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) October 2, 2018
Mahatma Gandhi's birthday on October 2 is observed as Gandhi Jayanti in India and International Day of Nonviolence around the world.
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